Make a Booking

If you do not know the day and time a course is taking place, please call the Soccer Hotline for details on 0151 474 8811. Once a booking is made, a member of the coaching team will contact you to confirm the start date (unless this booking is a continuation of a current course).

You must provide a name
You must provide an email address
You must provide an home phone number
You must provide a mobile phone number
You must provide an alternative telephone number

Child 1

Please select a course

Please select a course from the above list

Non-standard fee charges are by special arrangement with your child’s school/college. If you’ve been offered a different course duration (other than our standard 20 weeks) or if the school/college has chosen to subsidise the course, details will be shown in the specific literature should this apply.
(If you don't know where your nearest course is taking place, please call the Soccer Hotline for confirmation)
(If you don't know where your nearest course is taking place, please call the Soccer Hotline for confirmation)
(If you don't know where your nearest course is taking place, please call the Soccer Hotline for confirmation)
(If you don't know where and when your nearest course is taking place, please see the applicable section of this website, refer to the half term event brochure or call the Soccer Hotline for details).
Please note: course durations are set for each specific course. The number of days may only be chosen from those indicated are available for the week you would like to book.

(If you don't know where and when your nearest course is taking place, please see the applicable section of this website, refer to the Summer Roadshow brochure or call the Soccer Hotline for details).
Please note: course durations are set for each specific course. The number of days may only be chosen from those indicated are available for the week you would like to book.

You must provide a first name
You must provide a last name

Please tell us if you are currently attending a David Campbell Soccer Course
Please tell us if you are currently attending a David Campbell Soccer Course
This child will abide by the coaching regulations (available upon request) and take part in this David Campbell event.

Please note: All online payments go through Paypal. If you do not have a Paypal account you can still pay using most bank cards via Paypal too.
There will be a small online booking charge of £2

To secure a booking, applications must be received 2 working days before the event (later bookings may be available – call the Soccer Hotline for details). We have a strict no refund policy once a course has been booked.

After you submit this booking form you will be directed to Paypal to complete your credit / debit card payment. When full payment is completed you will receive confirmation of your booking details. This confirmation is a receipt to show your booking has been accepted. Other details (what to bring etc.) are included in this information.

Order Summary

Sub-total: £-

Booking Charge: £2

Total: £-

Pay with Paypal or Visa/Debit cards